LA Poker Classic  Event # 8 – $1,000 NLHE Shootout Final Game

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The next person out was Tommy Hang. Hang hung on for as long as he could, but he called Charlie’s all in bet with his two pair of Q 6 on a board of Q J 5 6 5. Unfortunately for him, Charlie had an over pair of KK, and Tommy could hang on no more. Tommy Hang finished 7th place, and departed with $ 6,111 for his troubles.


Nearly another hour went by until anything interesting happened. Kenny Cruz had not played many pots up to this point, and his once back to average stack had dwindled. So, Kenny decided to move his small stack in over the top of Steve Hohn’s opening raise. Steve had the price to call with any two cards, so he reluctantly called with K9. Kenny flipped over another monster, KQ, but the board of K Q 10 A K gave Kenny a full house, and Kenny doubled up.


No longer content to put it on Cruz control, three hands later Kenny moved in over the top of Susan Trabune’s opening raise with J J. Susan went into the tank for a while, but finally said “Well kiddo, I hope you have KQ again”, and reluctantly called. Alert  Bad Beat Coming – The flop of 6 7 2 produced a miracle two out beat for Kenny, who produced a few choice words of his own on the flop. No more miracles on this hand, and Kenny Cruz cruised out the door with a payday of $7,130 for 6th place.


Kenny was definitely a story of survival at this final table, where he hung on as long as he could. But, the final hanger-oner was about to be a goner. Dan Pugilese had hung around all day, made few moves, but survived five other players’ exits. Dan’s time was at hand, however, as in the next hand, he chose to move in with his 66 on a flop of 2 3 4. Charlie called him in a flash with 10 10, and all the little cards were used up, as no 5 or 6 came to rescue Dan. Dan Pugilese finished 5th place, and picked up $8,148 More


Mercifully, the players huddled up, and quickly put an end to this tournament by cutting a chip count deal for the top four spots. At the end of the day, Charlie Satoot got his picture taken with the trophy, and his second top two finish in as many days. The final results are below. Tonight’s final table is Omaha hi/lo, and as I left, I saw Scott Fishman, and several other notables left in the field. I am looking forward to tonight’s final table. Why? Because I am a fan of the game of poker.




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