Yujun Zhao, Denzil Bernard, Shaomeng Wang
Comprehensive Cancer Center and Departments of Internal Medicine, Pharmacology, and Medicinal Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109,...
Anne-Sophie Huart, Ted R. Hupp
University of Edinburgh, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, p53 Signal Transduction Group, Crewe Road South, Edinburgh, EH4 2XR, Scotland,...
Kalin Vidinov1, Nikolay Vidinov2, Manol Kalniev2, Dimo Krastev2
1USBALE “Acad. Iv. Penchev” Hospital, Department of Endocrine surgery, Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria
2Department Anatomy, histology and...
Hemanth Tummala1, Hilal S. Khalil1, Mohammad R. Islam2, Sarah J. Jones2, Ian R. Ellis2, Isabella D’Ascanio1, Nikolai Zhelev1*, Douglas H. Lester1*
1School of Science, Engineering...
Michael A. Idowu#, Hilal S. Khalil#, James L. Bown*, Nikolai Zhelev*
School of Science, Engineering & Technology, University of Abertay Dundee, Bell Street, Dundee, UK,...
Johan M. Campbell, Anne L. Savage, Oladipo Madamidola, Kshitij Tamhane, Renalyn Soriano, Ashok K. Adya, Sean G. Brown*
School of Science, Engineering & Technology, University...
Nikolai Zhelev1*, Dimitar Trifonov1, Shudong Wang2, Moustapha Hassan3,4, Ibrahim El Serafi3,Vanio Mitev5
1 School of Science, Engineering & Technology, University of Abertay Dundee, Bell Street, Dundee,UK,...
Stoyan Chakarov1*, Rumena Petkova2, George Ch Russev3, Nikolai Zhelev4
1 Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridsky", Sofia, Bulgaria
2 Scientific Technological Service (STS) Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria
3 Institute of Molecular Biology,...
Stoyan Chakarov1* , Rumena Petkova2 , George Ch Russev3
1 Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridsky", Sofia, Bulgaria
2 Scientific Technological Service (STS) Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria
3 Institute of Molecular Biology, Bulgarian Acad...
Stoyan Chakarov1*, Rumena Petkova2, George Ch Russev3, Nikolai Zhelev4
1 Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridsky", Sofia, Bulgaria
2 Scientific Technological Service (STS) Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria
3 Institute of Molecular Biology,...